My PiXtuRe

My PiXtuRe

Sunday 27 March 2011

Ways To Release Your Tension

Take Walks Alone Or With Your Family
Taking a walk is one of the easiest stress relieving activities. A 20 minute brisk walk will change your state of mind and improves your health and fitness.

Avoid Bad News And Violent Movies
At the end of your stressful day at work, avoid watching bad news and violent movies. You have had enough for the day. End it with watching something refreshing humorous and funny with your spouse or family.

Have Dinner Together With The Family Or Someone Special
Have dinner together and take pleasure from the company of your loved ones. Once in a while experience some exotic food.

Release your tension and change your focus by taking time, if the weather permits and on a clear night, to gaze at the stars, the moon and the magnificent universe.

Read A Great Book Before Going To Sleep
Read a good novel, an inspiring or motivational book right before you say your good night to the world. Feed your mind with positive information before you close your eyes and slumber.

Listen To Motivational Or Inspirational Recording
Do it during your drive back to release your tension from the traffic crawl. Listen to subliminal recordings as you lay yourself to sleep.

Take A Nap In Between The Day
A siesta will revitalize your energy to continue for the rest of the day. Even fifteen minutes nap is good.

Read To Your Children When You Put Them To Sleep
Take the time each night to read to your children. Enjoy and cherish the togetherness. They will soon grow up and will leave their nest.

Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine And Unbalanced Meal
You become what you feed into your body. Feed it with stuff that will increase your energy, keeps you healthy, free from discomforts and reduce your stress level.

Leave Your Work Behind When You Step Out Of The Office
Make it a habit to work only when you work. Once you step out of your office, leave unfinished work until the next day.

Update Your Journal
Take time to write your observations, experiences, insights and emotions in your journal. It is a good way to release your tension. Reread them every few months and reflect on what you have written and experienced.

Get A Little Quiet Time Alone
You need some space to get a little solitude. Do nothing but just be still and quiet. Allow your breath to just flow freely and don't judge or resist your thoughts.

Listen To Stress Relief Hypnosis
Just sit back or lie down and listen to this stress relief hypnosis session to melt away your irritations and tension.

Forgive Everyone
At the end of the day, forgive everyone and even yourself for the hurt and idiosyncrasies. Don't bring your hurts and anger to sleep and brought to the next day.

Tell Your Loved Ones That You Care And Love Them
Tell and show the important people in your life that you love them. A loving word, thought or gesture will make them feel special and appreciated. You will feel loved in return.

End Your Day With Prayer
End your day thanking your Creator for giving you another opportunity and another day to experience the joy of living

Get A Good Night Sleep
Release your tension with a good night sleep. Sleep like a baby and sleep well.

Food Guide Pyramid

Carbohydrate group

Carbohydrates are a source of energy that can be transformed into glucose, the form of sugar that is transported and used by the body, more quickly than proteins or fats A diet too high in carbohydrates can upset the delicate balance of a body's blood sugar level, resulting in fluctuations in energy and mood that leave one feeling irritated and tired.

Vegetable group

vegetable is a part of a plant consumed by humans that is generally savory but is not sweet. A vegetable is not considered a grain, fruit, nut,spice, or herb. For example, the stemrootflower, etc., may be eaten as vegetables. Vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals; however, different vegetables contain different spreads, so it is important to eat a wide variety of types. For example, green vegetables typically contain vitamin A, dark orange and dark green vegetables contain vitamin C,and vegetables like broccoli and related plants contain iron and calcium. Vegetables are very low in fats and calories, but cooking can often add these.
It is recommended that people consume 2-3 servings of vegetables in a day. They may be fresh, frozen, canned, or juiced.

Fruit group

In terms of food (rather than botany), fruits are the sweet-tasting seed-bearing parts of plants, or occasionally sweet parts of plants which do not bear seeds. These include applesorangesplumsbananas, etc. Fruits are low in calories and fat and are a source of natural sugarsfiberand vitamins. Processing fruits when canning or making into juices unfortunately may add sugars and remove nutrients. The fruit food group is sometimes combined with the vegetable food group. Note that many foods considered fruits in botany because they bear seeds are not considered fruits in cuisine because they lack the characteristic sweet taste, e.g.,tomatos or avocados. It is best to consume 2-4 servings of fruit in a day. They may be fresh, frozen, canned, dried, pureed or juiced.

Fat Group

The food pyramid advises that fats be consumed sparingly. Butter and oils are examples of fats. Healthy sources of fat can be found in fish, nuts, and certain vegetables, such as avocados.

Dairy group

Dairy products are produced from the milk of mammals, most usually but not exclusively cattle. They include milk, yogurt and cheese. Milk and its derivative products are a rich source of the mineral calcium, but also provide protein, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin D. However, many dairy products are high in saturated fat and cholesterol compared to vegetables, fruits and whole grains, which is why skimmed products are available as an alternative. For adults, 3 cups of dairy products are recommended per day.

Protein group

Meat is the tissue - usually muscle - of an animal consumed by humans. Since most parts of many animals are edible, there are a vast variety of meats. Meat is a major source ofprotein, as well as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Meats, poultry, and fish include beefchickenporksalmontuna, and shrimpeggs.
The meat group is one of the major compacted food groups in the food guide pyramid. Many of the same nutrients found in meat can also be found in foods like eggs, dry beans, andnuts, such foods are typically placed in the same category as meats, as meat alternatives. These include tofu, products that resemble meat or fish but are made with soyeggs, andcheeses. For those who do not consume meat or animal products (see Vegetarianismveganism and Taboo food and drink), meat analogstofu, beans, lentils, chick peas, nuts and other high-protein vegetables are also included in this group.
Although meats provide energy and nutrients, they are often high in fat and cholesterol, and can be high in sodium. Simply trimming off fatty tissue can go a long way towards reducing this negative effect. The food guide pyramid suggests that adults eat 2-3 servings per day. One serving of meat is 4oz, about the size of a deck of cards.

How To Become A Genius

  • 1
    Perform a detailed self-analysis. So much talk floats around about which side of the brain people use most often. Figure out if you are a right-brain thinker or a left-brain thinker. Maybe your passion lay in math and science. Peruse your transcripts from high school and college. Maybe you received high marks in English and historical-related courses. Find out which part of the brain you use to its maximum potential and then expand on that.

  • 2
    Read, reread, and read some more. Those who use their brains most productively often use the written words of others as a starting point. An active brain needs inspiration. Reading also facilitates creativity, and many geniuses--past and present alike--were also considered to be at the upper-echelon of creativity. Whether it is math and science or English and philosophy, creativity and brain activity go hand-in-hand.

  • 3
    Use your time wisely. Whether you were born a genius or are trying to make better use of your current brain activity, wasting time is a worthless notion. Think about how many hours of television you watch throughout the course of an average week. Think about how many hours you spend on the Internet. For the most part, your brain is on “sleep mode” when you participate in those activities. Find a creativity activity to engage in, such as writing or studying your favorite subject.

  • 4
    Transform your diet and your lifestyle. Some experts suggest that upping your intake of fish can significantly impact your mental capacity. However, taking a more broad and sweeping approach to your nutritional intake might be a better idea. Assess your current diet. Maybe much of your fluid intake is comprised of coffee and cola. Substitute unnatural fluids with water. Increasing your water intake will flush some of the unnatural toxins from your body and keep your body out of “survival mode,” during which your body actually bloats due to a lack of natural water.

  • 5
    Expand your horizons. Keep your head in the books, but not only in the books you know best. If your strongest area of knowledge is English literature, head to the library and pick up some books about various sciences. Remember, most geniuses have been extraordinarily well-rounded and versed in multiple disciplines of study.
  • Saturday 19 March 2011

    TaUbAt NaSuHa

    Taubat adalah kembali kepada Allah setelah melakukan maksiat. Taubat marupakan rahmat Allah yang diberikan kepada hamba-Nya agar mereka dapat kembali kepada-Nya.

    Agama Islam tidak memandang manusia bagaikan malaikat tanpa kesalahan dan dosa sebagaimana Islam tidak membiarkan manusia berputus asa dari ampunan Allah, betapa pun dosa yang telah diperbuat manusia. Bahkan Nabi Muhammad telah membenarkan hal ini dalam sebuah sabdanya yang berbunyi: "Setiap anak Adam pernah berbuat kesalahan/dosa dan sebaik-baik orang yang berbuat dosa adalah mereka yang bertaubat (dari kesalahan tersebut)."

    Di antara kita pernah berbuat kesalahan terhadap diri sendiri sebagaimana terhadap keluarga dan kerabat bahkan terhadap Allah. Dengan segala rahmatnya, Allah memberikan jalan kembali kepada ketaatan, ampunan dan rahmat-Nya dengan sifat-sifat-Nya yang Maha Penyayang dan Maha Penerima Taubat. Seperti diterangkan dalam surat Al Baqarah: 160 "Dan Akulah yang Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Penyayang."

    Taubat dari segala kesalahan tidaklah membuat seorang terhina di hadapan Tuhannya. Hal itu justru akan menambah kecintaan dan kedekatan seorang hamba dengan Tuhannya karena sesungguhnya Allah sangat mencintai orang-orang yang bertaubat dan mensucikan diri. Sebagaimana firmanya dalam surat Al-Baqarah: 222, "Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang taubat dan menyukai orang-orang yang mensucikan diri."

    Taubat dalam Islam tidak mengenal perantara, bahkan pintunya selalu terbuka luas tanpa penghalang dan batas. Allah selalu menbentangkan tangan-Nya bagi hamba-hamba-Nya yang ingin kembali kepada-Nya. Seperti terungkap dalam hadis riwayat Imam Muslim dari Abu musa Al-Asy`ari: "SesungguhnyaAllah membentangkan tangan-Nya di siang hari untuk menerima taubat orang yang berbuat kesalahan pada malam hari sampai matahari terbit dari barat."

    Merugilah orang-orang yang berputus asa dari rahmat Allah dan membiarkan dirinya terus-menerus melampai batas. Padahal, pintu taubat selalu terbuka dan sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya karena sesungguhnya Dialah yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha penyayang.

    Tepatlah kiranya firman Allah dalam surat Ali Imran ayat: 133, "Bersegaralah kepada ampunan dari tuhanmu dan kepada surga yang luasnya seluas langit dan bumi yang disediakan untuk orang-orang yang bertakwa yaitu orang-orang yang menafkahkan hartanya baik di waktu lapang maupun sempit dan orang-orang yang menahan amarahnya dan memaafkan kesalahan orang dan Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikan. Dan juga orang-orang yang apabila mengerjakan perbuatan keji atau menganiaya diri sendiri mereka ingat akan Allah, lalu memohon ampunan terhadap dosa-dosa mereka dan siapa lagi yang dapat mengampuni dosa selain daripada Allah? Dan mereka tidak meneruskan perbuatan kejinya itu, sedang mereka mengetahui."

    Taubat yang tingkatannya paling tinggi di hadapan Allah adalah "Taubat Nasuha", yaitu taubat yang murni. Sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam surat At-Tahrim: 66, "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertaubatlah kepada Allah dengan taubat yang semurni-murninya, mudah-mudahan Tuhan kamu akan menghapus kesalahan-kesalahanmu dan memasukkan kamu ke dalam sorga yang mengalir di bawahnya sungai-sungai, pada hari ketika Allah tidak menghinakan Nabi dan orang-orang yang beriman bresamanya, sedang cahaya mereka memancar di depan dan di sebelah kanan mereka, sambil mereka mengatakan 'Ya Tuhan kami, sempurnakanlah bagi kami cahaya kamidan ampunilah kami, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu'".

    Taubat Nasuha adalah bertaubat dari dosa yang diperbuatnya saat ini dan menyesal atas dosa-dosa yang dilakukannya di masa lalu dan brejanji untuk tidak melakukannya lagi di masa medatang. Apabila dosa atau kesalahan tersebut terhadap bani Adam (sesama manusia), maka caranya adalah dengan meminta maaf kepadanya. Rasulullah pernah ditanya oleh seorang sahabat, "Apakah penyesalan itu taubat?", "Ya", kata Rasulullah (H.R. Ibnu Majah). Amr bin Ala pernah mengatakan: "Taubat Nasuha adalah apabila kamu membenci perbuatan dosa sebagaimana kamu pernah mencintainya"

    Syarat-syarat taubat :

    1. Tidak akan mengulangi perbuatan dosa itu lagi
    2. Menyesal atas perbuatan yang telah dilakukan
    3. Harus mempunyai tekad di dalam hati tidak akan melakukan dosa itu untuk selama-lamanya
    4. Dikerjakan sebelum ajal tiba
    5. Ikhlas ingin bertaubat

    ZaKaT HaTi MeMbErSiHkAn JiWa

    Zakat menurut istilah adalah tumbuh atau bertambah dalam satu-satu perbuatan kebaikan. Dalam erti kata lain, daripada sudut agama, zakat adalah rukun Islam yang keempat yang mewajibkan setiap muslim mengeluarkan sebahagian hartanya kepada orang yang berhak menerimanya mengikut syarat-syarat yang ditentukan.

    Dalam Al-Quran, Allah s.w.t menjelaskan, maksudnya:

    “Ambillah zakat dari sebahagian harta mereka kerana dengan berzakat kamu akan membersih dan ,menyucikan mereka”

                                                              (Surah at-Taubah,ayat 103)

    Allah s.w.t menjelaskan lagi, bersuci dan berzakat mempunyai hubungan yang rapat kerana dengan zakat mampu membersihkan hati dan menyucikan diri daripada sifat-sifat tamak atau kedekut.

    Secara umumnya, perbuatan keji dan maksiat adalah najis di dalam hati yang perlu disucikan. Ia juga ibarat kuman yang melekat pada tubuh atau debu halus sama ada kelihatan ataupun tidak. Apabila dibiarkan, lama kelamaan ia memudaratkan diri sendiri.

    Tubuh yang bebas daripada kuman kelihatan sihat dan mempercepatkan pembesaran. Tetapi tubuh yang berpenyakit sudah tentu memerlukan rawatan supaya ia tidak merebak ke anggota tubuh yang lain.

    Begitu juga halnya dengan hati yang sudah dihinggapi penyakit, ia perlu dirawat. Namun, merawat hati yang dipenuhi dengan segala kekotoran, ia perlu dilakukan dengan cara bertaubat.

    Apabila hati sentiasa bersih dan suci, ia memudahkan segala perjalanan hidup. Hati ibarat raja didalam tubuh. Hati yang bersih suci memerintah segala anggota badan melakukan perkara yang baik dan diredhai Allah s.w.t. Sesungguhnya hati yang suci bersih mempercepatkan dan mempermudahkan segala urusan dengan Allah s.w.t.

    Tuesday 15 March 2011



    A digital signal is a physical signal that is a representation of a sequence of discrete values (a quantified discrete-time signal), for example of arbitrary bit stream, or of a digitized (sampled and analog-to-digital converted) analog signal. The term digital signal can refer to a continuous-time waveform signal used in any form of digital communication or a pulse train signal that switches between a discrete number of voltage levels or levels of light intensity, also known as a a coded signal, for example a signal found in digital electronics or in serial communications using digital baseband transmission in, or a pulse code modulation (PCM) representation of a digitized analog signal.

    Waveforms In Digital Systems

    A digital signal waveform: (1) low level, (2) high level, (3) rising edge, and (4) falling edge.
    In computer architecture and other digital systems, a waveform that switches between two voltage levels representing the two states of a Boolean value (0 and 1) is referred to as a digital signal, even though it is an analog voltage waveform, since it is interpreted in terms of only two levels.
    The clock signal is a special digital signal that is used to synchronize digital circuits. The image shown can be considered the waveform of a clock signal. Logic changes are triggered either by the rising edge or the falling edge.



    3 size of floppy disk
    A floppy disk is a data storage medium that is composed of a disk of thin, flexible ("floppy")magnetic storage medium sealed in a square or rectangular plastic carrier lined with fabric that removes dust particles.
    Floppy disks are read and written by a floppy disk drive or FDD. Invented by the American information technology company IBM, floppy disks in 8-inch, 5¼-inch and 3½-inch forms enjoyed three decades as a popular and ubiquitous form of data storage and exchange, from the mid-1970s well into the 2000s.  While floppy disk drives still have some limited uses, especially with legacy industrial computer equipment, they have now been superseded by USB flash drives, external hard disk drives, optical discs, memory cards and computer networks.

    The flexible magnetic disk, commonly called floppy disk, [4] revolutionized computer disk storage for small systems and became ubiquitous in the 1980s and 1990s in their use with personal computers and home computers to distribute software, transfer data, and create backups.
    Before hard disks became affordable, floppy disks were often also used to store a computer's operating system (OS), in addition to application software and data. Most home computers had a primary OS (and often BASIC) stored permanently in on-board ROM, with the option of loading a more advanced disk operating system from a floppy, whether it be a proprietary system, CP/M, or later, DOS.

    Floppy physical sizes are often referred to by the nominal size in inches, even in countries where metric is the standard, and even though the size is defined in metric. For example, the ANSI specification is entitled in part "90-mm (3.5-in)", even though 90 mm is more nearly 3.54 inches.[7]Formatted capacities are generally set in terms of kilobytes (1024 bytes), written as "kB".

    HiBuRkAn DiRi AnDa Di BLoG SaYa